Baby Showers and Blooming Flowers

She likes to try and figure these things out...Once again she got one pulled over her, which in turn makes it so much more fun!

I'm ready for December...for numerous reasons :)

 ...the lonely apple upon the tree

..the soon to be hamburgers!
Yes it is true..the leaves are falling as fast as they are changing colors

..but then I thought maybe spring was here.
(my mother informed me this is saffron and it blooms in the fall) #I'mnotagardener

My lovely friend Rhonda joined Ruthie and I for a birthday celebration. It used to be something I always did. Pretty sure last year it got skipped. We had a great time.

Yes it is fall...the decor says it all!

I spent my day cutting fabric and packing that big blue thing in the background. Well that thing consumed me the most. Can you stretch make it a little bigger? sigh. I cannot wait till I am on that plane and all this is behind me!

 "Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the One who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference." Max Lucado


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