Childhood Treasures and Up!

Did I mention I am sorting through lots of things? I get in these "get rid of everything" moods and it clears out lots of "stuff." There is lots more still. 
Don't tell me you don't still have that cool mailbox from Kindergarten or the awesome pencils with your name engraved? Uhuh....Treasures they are! lol. 
How bout those key chains that solved all those teenage year drama problems? I believe it's time to move on!

Or what about those key chains from your favorite place on the map? Where did they come from anyway. From the looks of things they are quite ancient! Possibly brother's senior trips? I need to remember to buy some for my nieces and nephews so 20 yrs from now...they can reminisce. 
 It was a wet, pouring rain sort of drive to my sister's house. Did I ever tell you how much I hate driving in the rain? Well I really hate it but so does my mother which designated me the driver for the journey. We had a good day making sticky buns and apple dumplings before ending it with a yummy lunch and some shopping. 

This picture possibly tells the story of what my mother puts up with when the two of us are together. I believe she wonders about us...well actually I know she does.

Time moves on. Not so many years ago I was in what to do with these things that are collecting dust under my bed? I'm pretty sure they don't want to travel to a far away place again!
..maybe someday they will get a proper home!

Humor: I was spending some much earned Kohl's cash earlier this week, when the elderly couple behind me offered me a $10 off $50 household purchase. I had calculated closely that I didn't spend much over $50 so this was leaving me with more unspent cash. I showed the cashier my cash on my phone and then the paper ones I had as well, which apparently amused the couple. I thanked them for helping this soon-to-be-married woman out and they smiled sweetly. 
I went to a next store and wasn't there long when I heard rather loudly in the main aisle "well I don't mind helping someone like that but how come we never get Kohls cash...I mean she had $30 on her phone and then she had more yet." followed by..."and she still had $6 left over."  I thought I should go and explain to them the way you get Kohl's cash and see if they were willing to pay my looming Kohl's card bill that awaits me as well. I decided to stay hidden behind clothes racks the rest of my time spent in that store.
When I get old....I shall speak quietly!!!

I love to babysit these kiddos...sometimes you have to find things to do indoors "until the sun outside is warm"...says Myles!

I very well could be deemed the meanest aunt. 
...told you so! He was fine until his moral support left him!
I hate changing his pamper :(

Kathy had a birthday and we celebrated. Here is mother and daughters!


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