Stateside Part 1

It's been over 3 weeks since we touched down. I really think it has gone faster than any other of my "home visits." Whatever the case, I excuse my lack of blogging because my husband and I are sharing a laptop. I can do everything else I need to do on my phone....except this!
My sister and her husband picked us up at the airport. I was more than happy to see my nephew AJ for the first time. We fell in love immediately. After a few days spent with them, my mom came and picked us up, along with a niece that was too excited to sleep the night before.

"My Aunt Rocks".....I think he believed it. I wonder if that is why he wanted held the next couple of days after we left!

We went to a cute coffee shop.
 ....this is what happens when he don't get more!

He may be a normal bald head baby but I think he is still the cutest ever. 

Our first Saturday back we spent babysitting.

She loved me dearly before I left. Sadly she forgot all that. With her people personality it didn't take long for her to warm up. It may have helped that the week before her mom was practicing "Angie" with her.

He may be little but he can ride!

Story time with uncle

I believe he is loved more than me!

A week after our arrival, Kendall and Ginger and family came home as well.

 Family from both sides stopped in at our house.

David may live on the same island and see him more than most his uncles and cousins but I guess that doesn't change much.

enthralled with Kan Jam

This long haired baby dear, Aleah, was a week old when I left. She is the happiest little girl ever and ever cute. Hard to believe it's my little brothers!

Aleah and Adalyn

 Two days in Belleville with Bill and Brenda and Jaxson. 
He still loved me. Such a relief! Too bad I won't be able to say that in six months!
We went shopping. Every store had a "BALL." It's his favorite word and toy.

Some of Brenda's family came over for grilled porkchops in the pavilion.
The fellowship and food was great!

Tractor rides with his Grandpa Yoder.

 ...and doll stroller rides with the uncle. One spoiled little man!
From Belleville we spent the weekend at the cabin with the family. It was a fun filled weekend and shall have to wait till another post.
 Visiting the states has kept us quite busy....this quote has challenged me in that!

"God's plan for enlarging his kingdom is so simple-one person telling another about the Savior. Yet we are busy and full of excuses. Just remember, someone's eternal destiny is at stake. The joy you will have when you meet that person in heaven will far exceed any discomfort you felt in sharing the gospel." Charles Stanley


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