Stateside visit continued...

Our Second weekend in the states weas spent at the cabin with family. It was a fun, relaxing weekend. Kris, Reynold, my hubby and I stayed up till Monday. It was quite peaceful after the storm of children left.
There was a lot of fishing done and a lot of blue gills caught. We fried them and ate them much to most peoples thinking they weren't worth dodging the bones over. Hey they are bigger than most we catch in greenz!

Happy Aleah

kids enjoyed the kayaking but were limited in space with all the fishermen

Even the kids enjoyed Kan Jam

What's not to love about drinks that are for the taking whenever?

She's my sister and she has an adorable little guy. Crazy how life changes us so quickly.

Really he does like me...he just has a thing for BIG eyes!

Lots of children. Sixteen to be exact!


Reynold and his big bass catch. My husband did catch one almost the same size also in the Susquehanna! This one made some good eating!

We tried for a family was a joke! Better luck next time!

 AJ and all his cuteness

They are a troublesome crew

Dragon fly pond beauty.

Following a weekend at the cabin my husband and I spent a few days pretty much driving to GA and home again on a chick delivery. Considering that I am the only one that could drive we had to stop once to take a cat nap so I could make it the 16 hours before the chicks suffocated. Did I mention I had enough chick feathers on my skirt I could have got close to stuffing a pillow, the chicks didn't shut up at all once the sun came up(except for 2 seconds when you clapped), and the AC had to be on FULL BLAST THE ENTIRE WAY...because the ones in the back still had their beaks hanging open from the warmth.
All ready to go.

Driving on the outskirts of Atlanta

Our delivery was an hour from a main town. This is what we saw for miles and miles...too many miles actually. I have decided I couldn't live in GA ...or not that part anyway. The manager of the company invited us to stay for lunch in their restaurant. It was a southern setting in every extreme. Mexicans with limited English unloaded the chicks for us. A cheery African lady making the food served us heaping plates of squash, potatoes, strew chicken and cornbread, all washed down with southern brewed tea to wash it down. (did I mention we had just ate sandwiches before we reached?) You can't turn down southern hospitality though. I really wanted to take a picture of my large plate of food but the owner was sitting across from us trying to convince my husband to come work for him...whether he has a green card or not. In fact he could get him any color card if he wanted! *lame* After driving in the middle of no where for so long we were far from convinced!

after our delivery we opened all the windows up and the chick fuzz flew everywhere!

We got a motel for a few hours so I could get some sleep to make it the next 16 hours. It wasn't the nicest but it helped and we were soon on the road again.

Until the next blog...have a super weekend.
This is who I have been enjoying the last two days! Simply wonderful!


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