Twas the week of Christmas

Since Christmas break is a long break of three weeks it started off with lots of little people by quite often. This is fine but please don't come too early like some of them were!


Becca and Kyla

Snyder children

The limes community had a kids Christmas party on the court so Cindy came by for assistance in making cakes...and more cakes...and more cakes. I was caked out. We ran out of gas too which didn't help speed up the baking process!

We decided to fish out on a different point. It's known for Congs (pictured below). I love fishing but I have this bad fear of taking the fish off the hook. I blame it on how wild they beat around and some of them can cut you bad. Thus my husband nicely unhooks them every time for me.  This night I would no more than throw my line and it would be chomped and I couldn't reel it in. That gets frustrating feeding Congs your hook, bait and sinker over and over again. Tired of busting my line for the 7th or more time I sat and enjoyed the peaceful night. I could feel the cong slacking sometimes, about to come out of it's hole and then my line would tighten. Sorry for this one, but he came out a little too far one time.  In to me he came.
He tangled his snakelike body around my line till he was a twisted mess. My husband sent him back to sea, lifeless. I don't mind snakes but these things are SO NASTY. Just look at their crocodile mouths on the next picture and they havv sharp teeth that you can't see!

 A neighbor lady died that was family to Bucket. She would invite them by on Cmas day ever since their father went missing. As you can see it was at a Catholic church. I wasn't too impressed and it's safe to say you won't catch me in one of those services again!

Lovely bouquets of flowers

Then there was live nativity at the mall on Monday and Tuesday night. 

Mary and Joseph valued their lives and limbs so they left the donkey tied.
Instead they had to walk!

The tents and bouncing castle in the background slightly ruined the affects!

Mary (Samara) and Joseph (Nick) and baby Jesus (neighbor boy Jesse)


and the youths did some singing.

 This brings us up to Cmas eve....
.....last year this time I was wishing I was down here. This year....well...all my family was together but us. One can never be satisfied I suppose. Our attempts to fish that night were met with security barring us from one place and rough water right here on this jetty where we fish a lot. We spent the evening at home.

I shall blog again a next day of Christmas Day followed by Boxing Day!


  1. it always makes me happy when I see I see another blog post from you. I know what you mean about wishing to be places you're not. Hope you have a good week after Christmas! Oh, and thanks for the lovely picture in the mail!


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