Warmth, Brunch & Kiddos

Saturday was the start of a weekend and a refreshing one by the poolside with the teachers!

I wasn't home much more than a half hour and Ronata (in red) showed up wanting to play...that being interpreted "I am hungry." Her mother has claimed they have food at home and she don't want to eat it and we are stupid for giving her when she comes begging! Oh the decisions to make. I left this one for my husband. He had a nice little talk with her before we gave her anything. She has been habitually taking clothing from neighbors so it is hard to look beyond that and see if there really is a need. As I listened to her play and talk to her "child," I could see a glimpse of why she acts the way she does by what she repeatedly must hear at home!
Although she is hard to trust and leave out of eyesight she NEVER gives us any trouble and plays and colors so nicely when she is here that it is hard to tell her she can't come inside. Another neighbor girl Shenivon joined her on this day.

Saturday night blessed us with a bright full moon and a lovely walk out to a point with the hubby.

 He's been busy painting for a neighbor. I joined him one day!

Each Sunday the children have an opportunity to say their memory verses for the church. The verses are not always the easiest for the Junior class but these siblings only missed two.
Giovoni and Keana
They acted all nervous and fidgety as we walked there. They said they were nervous. I'm not sure who they were scared of. The apprehension subsided rather soon and we spent a good two hours at KFC and then they still would have liked to walk the beach! I guess we weren't scary after all.

The ladies get together once a month for bible study. For the Christmas celebrations we had a brunch.

 I dropped at the top round about and walked to town from there. It was nice to take in some beautiful scenery and enjoy it since I had my camera with.
Cruise ships are in almost every day. Some days there are two...this day there were actually three. One was in at another port!

 Come and visit and you can see all this beauty first hand!

 Till I got home from town it was time to make snack and get ready for Bible club reward trip. 
About half of them that come on a regular basis were able to come because of good attendance/behavior.



Sand fight is fine with me as long as I'm not involved!

Chalisea, Shanika, Ms. Leann and Jamal


They had to be models. Shanika and Tamara



Last night was all the schools Christmas programs. I chose to support my family (and former students) in LaBorie. It was a lovely evening and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I will never tire of the enthhusiastic way these kids can sing. We need more of that stateside!
 Whole school
Go here to hear their lovely voices:

These little sweeties were there too in support of their uncle who is in Grade One.
Kayla couldn't let me hold her little sister with out her joining me as well! These two are so precious. How I wish I could take them to the states with me!

And here is their crazy mother, Kevona.


  1. The photo with the orange boat would make a great painting,if you take the center tree out and flip the one on the left.
    wishing i could come south this winter.


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