Those were the days..these are the times!

It's been a busy week. When someone you lived with for two years goes away it leaves an empty spot. They become a part of you. changes. Life goes on. The new becomes normal and such has become the case here in the blue house.  It is still good to have Jo back and relive the bygone days. Her singleness is about to come to an end and I am excited to be in her wedding in July.

This is our first year together...CAN I SAY CHUBBY BUNNY!!!!!! Whoi....I am glad time changes some things! lol.

And here we are now three years lata!

beautiful sunsets

 fun times with friends...

food is the best!

am keeping this lil guy today. I am going to miss him like crazy next year...
IF only I could take him with: I would in a heartbeat!

yeah it was bath time...he was quite the good sport..shampoo everywhere and all!

School is going great. We are trying to keep it interesting so we all can survive another 6 weeks.

They love to paint and with these cool brushes or whatever they keeps things exciting!

Maleah...she has humor for me every day. Whether it is by means of trying to get attention or not I am usually laughing..of course when she isn't watching! as can be..when the time is right! She keeps me on my toes but I am pretty sure she has got me beat in stubbornness!


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