Babysitting fun
It was a busy week. I'm glad it's over but I loved how fast time went! I need more weeks like that between now and Christmas!
Babysat these kiddos one night...We played legos most of the time. I never could quite do the right things as a queen living in that cool palace I built! (I forget how to play these things)

he jabbered jibberish I couldn't understand the whole night!
Two and half days at Harrisburg Cmas Craft show
Then a weekend of babysitting my cousin's kids...well half of them!
they love to "style hair"....I could have fallen asleep!
Parker...He is the sweetest but most naughty boy ever! He needed to be watched at all times or he was into something. Kept me on my toes but so much fun!
Anna and Devaya...
Anna is full of drama. I love to play along with her in it. Devaya is tomboy. They both love music and got the moves so we spent lots of time with it blaring....more than not!
yes this dear one woke up tooooooo early. It made for a long day but it was ok. Morning nap came pretty soon for him!
Head massages for the dear girlies...They loved them.
They wanted to play football. You know me and coldness lol. Daniel where were you? They were wishing you were there as well!
To split up the day we went to McD's for lunch.
I promised them ice cream from September Farms. No pictures of that due to a pounding headache that my McD's coffee was to miraculously take away and didn't!
While the baby slept and Devaya was being tutured we relaxed and listened to music!
Yes he knew the bathroom was off limits. Watch that naughty look in his eyes.
Told that church is a joke with this little one we did our best. We were out of the service more than we were in it.
Playing "Simon Says" while we waited for Sunday lunch to get ready. I am really bad at this game so I usually was Simon!
a wee little bit of wii time!
then it was out the door and play in the snow!
The coldness soon drove them indoors for hot cocoa and a cookie!
Playing school under the blanket. I hardly fit. Parker you can see was loving it!
then we painted Rudolf
..and this little guy was soon put for a nap!
He is a sweetie!
The grandparents came so I could make my way home before the roads got much worse. They weren't the nicest but at least it was still light out!
I was determined to not wear these snow clothes ever again. My father's words "you should probably shovel for me is most likely your last chance," gave me warm feelings of happiness so I got dressed and did it! I sure hope it is the last time!
It was a wonderful weekend. It went fast. It's in the teens till I depart. Why am I here blogging when I have millions of other things to do?
"Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy."
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