Twas the days before Cmas

My nieces have been begging to do something before I leave and I had promised them I would. This time we ventured to THAT BOUNCE PLACE. It was full of inflatable things such as these and lots of fun. They ran wild for close to two hours before they were ready to call it quits.

big people. small people. there was room for all.

Yesterday we made candy and lots of it. Fortunately my appetite for such things was nonexistent so it kept the consumption to a minimum.

We have few days left to fight. She was trying to take my choc. chips that I had just measured out for something I was making. (excuse the attire. it's a sweatshirt I made in 8th grade)

The delightful treats all finished. Or most of them anyway. I believe a few kinds might be missing.
Merry Christmas!


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