Giving and more giving!

Family is given. It is a gift.
It was so much fun to see this little girl again. I think I was more thrilled than her! She had all the attention she could ever get and didn't need any from me!

 A supper at Applebee's reunited with Grenada friends.
Livy and Becky ran wild most of the night while we caught up with each other!

 It snowed. Not once. Not twice...yes three times in one week.
I honestly believe God is testing me. Really truly he I must admit it was beautiful but made me long for Grenada even more.
I ventured to a family thing in the snow. I may not see them again for a very long time.

My car remained in the parking lot. I deemed it not fit for the snowy conditions.

 It's been nearly ten years since we graduated. After a lovely meal we looked at pictures and reminisced. I was reminded that aging truly is a good thing. There is absolutely no way I would want to be back in those high school days again. Stacy was missing :(

 Babysitting these kiddos one night. Not sure who is gunna miss each other more!
 Excuse the blurriness. Kids at work!
Owen was sitting here like an old pappy and the girls were crawling all over me right beside him. He got this stern look on his face and said "if you want to act like that go somewhere else to play." Ha...pretty sure he's heard those words somewhere!!!
The baby was more than willing to topple their towers!
A coffee with some tasty cinnamon rolls one morning. Really I will miss those random sis/in law days!
While rummaging through bank papers I found a document stating there were funds I didn't know about. With my mother doing my banking over the years in Grenada neither of us were sure if it was still existent or not. The bank was the only way to find out.
I also found citations from the well as the not so far past. I told myself NO MORE before I leave. I don't know why I do it to myself.
I suppose I should drive roads I know and watch them... not my phone gps. 
 He decided he needed some of those discovered funds that the bank told me were indeed there!
They've made too much money off of me this year. I shall leave the country!
I was warned they are out thick...they get a cut from citations this time of year. (Truth from a man in police training!) I gave to a worthy cause I suppose. Really it was much more enjoyable helping a lady that couldn't find her money at the store though! 
It's all Gods.
I shall leave this place and see if there are other needs elsewhere other than the state.

The countdown is still on. I rarely watch it anymore. I have too much to do...and time is short!


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