how do they know?....

  "miss, miss"....was the first thing I heard as I reached school. A big hug from one and I was handed this cute little card from another. I almost cried. Seriously kids are so cool. How did she know I needed that? Yeah it is a familiar saying...but I really needed it today. Serenity, Courage, and Wisdom. Lord grant me all please cuz I sure can use them.

Former students stop by. They love to help score, boss, and tell the students to FOCUS and stop their stupidness. I had to laugh. Here is Nick telling Nigel he MUST know how to spell rejoice.

And then there is the incentive on some days that IF they finish their work they can play math drill games on my laptop. Here is Maleah thinking she must pose for the picture while she is to be fishing for those answers!


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