Third Grade


Very expressive and not easily vexed. He is the only little man in my class and I love him dearly. He definitely keeps things mellowed out. Every class needs a boy, especially with dramatic girls like the ones I have. He may lack motivation in his work but he sure can write sweet little "I love you Miss" notes to me that will make my day every time. Definitely a heart throb that wants to grow up to be a Christian!


Her work is her not a challenge and will be done in less time than necessary. This trimester I gave her an extra book to do to hopefully give the copier a break from worksheets and myself some time not hearing "miss....what next?"
She is very sharing (I get an abundance of biscuits) and if I am having a bad day (not a regular thing. lol) she will be the one to notice and write a note.


She comes from a stable Christian home. Her parents are influential in her work and push her to perfection in all she does. Each letter is written properly and each book is kept very clean and neat because her father might look in it sometime. She is very sincere and honest in what she honest sometimes for this I DO NOT PROMOTE TATTLING teacher. 


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