Second Grade


This second grader loves to hold adult conversations. The other day she came to me with a question. "Miss, my sister tell me that when Jesus comes back and people aren't ready to go that all they must say is, 'Master, I am sorry I want to accept you in my heart,' and he will let them in. Miss that ain't true is it?" She proceeded to explain to me with two pens how we are one pen and the Holy Spirit is the next and how he wants us to follow him but lots of big people "they does still be living wrong." Not only conscientious in doing the best God wants, she applies it to her work as well. Oh to have the submissive spirit of this little child.


I believe she has taught me the most of any of my students. She came with "learning" disabilities in K but she is now one of the smartest. What they are told and what is expected of a child is who they become. Reading is one of her strong points sounding out almost any big word. She knows too well how to get the other students to laugh at her...much to my annoyance many times. Sometimes there are others that can share the center of attention. Most mornings she welcomes me with a BIG hug.


First thing in the morning you will find her on the basketball court playing Bitem. She is a threat to the boys many times sometimes even winning the game. Put her in front of her books and her pencil will be a hockey stick, her rubber a ball, and her name tag will be adjusted far to often! Tough on the outside and ready to play any sport she still has a very soft heart and discipline is a serious offense to her.  God has a great plan with all her energy.


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