It's one of those.... of those days where I wished to not go by feelings.....unless it was the feelings that would have loved to take me to the cabin. If only it could have become reality. Why do I go by feelings? They let me down all the time. I should know better by now but still they want to run my life and make my day go ways other than the way it should go. I read my Bible, I pray, I search, but until my heart is willing to be broken and crushed none of these things are going to help. Willingness? Surrender! Submission. Oh how those words hurt. I want things my way, I want things to work how I want them too, I want things to JUST MAKE SENSE! Why does self have to always stick it's ugly head up and make things difficult?
I read in a book today. "God never said life would be easy. The purpose of living isn't about our personal's about serving God. When it comes to our relationship with our Creator we should always have our yes on the table. If God asks us to do something we do it!"
I will close my ramblings with a verse a friend shared with me today, even though it's not something I wanted to hear. I listened to it repeated over and over again. Jeremiah 32:27, "I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?" God is God and each and every part of my life is planned for a purpose and with God...NOTHING will be too hard.


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