Christmasy comfort

My comfort for the day
so hard. but truth is truth!

..tis the season. Why not try to cheer up with the little space I have and see if it helps?

cheap cheap yard sale find...I thought they were kinda cute. 

Few things I learned today:
There should be a law against trying to wash a car in such cold temperatures....where are little brothers when you need them? hmmm???!!
Tears come easy these days....but do I really have to delete Grenada pix from my camera card in able to take more? I know...I have them saved but............splat!..*roll eyes*
...and I miss much much more of that faraway place. I feel to pack my bags early! Oh that's right..feelings are not a good thing to go by!


  1. Angie, glad for the beautiful cold weather! Grenada is much too hot, your Christmas lights would melt down there. If your lucky you might even have a white (or at least a blue) Christmas right here in good old PA!!

  2. yes yes I hear you TALKER STOM! hmmm.....


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