*to be young again*

I had the privilege of babysitting these adorable kiddos today. I cannot say I am ready for five kids but they did amazing. We played trains, hide-n-seek, and they played and styled my hair for over an hour! Oh the fun of kids :)

Cooper is a sneaky one but with so much cuteness it is hard to tell!

Anna and Parker 
*you can see Parker doesn't have a mother...lol* No coat could be found so big brother's hoody had to work for the short time!

Devaya and I

Evan and the chips..I think he ate most of the bag!?..oops...I'm just the babysitter.

...and always time for Wii...I did manage to win some if I didn't have too many hands helping me! lol

Evan and Devaya were gone on field trip in the morning and then they made these beautiful houses!

lots of wash...It was a Monday after all!

crazy faces all around!


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