The BIG Apple

the morning started a little later than's called too much work/not enough sleep.
It didn't matter...the drive to the Big Apple went real speed with
lots of catching up to do!
Upon reaching our gps destination...a Grendadian neighbor who just moved to the states, we proceeded to visit them. A relative came to the door quite confused to see us. I  can only imagine the questions he was thinking. We stayed parked there so that way we could check them on the way back since they were not home! We ventured to the dingy subway and away we went to the city!

really it was beautiful but far to cold!

We only went to Starbucks twice. One has to stay warm somehow if you are out in the cold too long!
...and gift cards always are a big plus

She's awesome like that!

Indoors became much better than the outdoors!

Ms. Dale and Crista were home when we drug our damp selves back to the car.
It was so good to see them again. Feeling quite inferior about this picture and my large self, I decided to post it anyway, comforted by the fact that I had four shirts on plus my coat yet! After our visit here we were off to Queens to visit some other lovely people! I'm thinking I should soon know my way around the city!

Flooded roads, wind, and detours were the joyful thing we had to travel home in. I am thankful it was not me that caused any detours and we arrived home safely!
It was a much needed get-away! The next one awaits me just now!


  1. This really looks like it was so much fun! I'm jealous that you are flying to the Caribbean soon. But I happy for you too.

  2. Aww thanks...Yes I am super excited to GO!!!


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