Family Shindig

It's been said, "You can choose your friends...but not your family."

Oh's one of those things of life. It was a FOX Christmas supper. One I haven't attended in years. I remember being born, now have kids of their own!
My father was from a family of 18 kids. The 99th grandchild is on the way. Is it any wonder I don't know all my cousins? Grandma now has 80 some great grandchildren. 
...the Fox name sure won't die that way...

My dear nephew....and also my beautiful cousin

some of the many

new friends...I believe so!

He was simply adorable.

there were games of vball...It appeared much better than years gone by when I helped!

A childhood cousin's kid...Jackson

Could this get any better?...well I was wishing for my zoom halfway across the gym cuz they were wearing them on their heads. 

He is a cutie
My cousin Matt to the left is being treated for terminal cancer. Mainly prolonging his life for maybe two years. I look at him and wonder if I really could go out and be sociable. It seems I would want to stay home and spend time with my family while I can. Here is his fourth child that was just born.
We share the same name!


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