Donut Day

If I'm gunna go shopping...I love to go alone. Well...there are a few exceptions. But anyway I had a gift card since Christmas but of course I could find nothing in that store other than clothes and really....I don't need them.  So I bought some Ginger brew...I hope it is kind of like Ginger beer...we shall see. The rest of the gift card...well it will be saved. There was lots of nice home decor...but why purchase now? I did purchase some decor. You see them little yellow tags...Yeah they get me every time and then with a 30% off coupon yet who wouldn't buy the two of them for $14. They will be used some happy day.
This weekend held BEAUTIFUL weather. I went biking with family and friends. My hands were still ice till I ever reached the park. Make haste spring!

...As if I don't see enough of these in a day...I made some with my mother this morning. It was fun. We did glazed rings and raspberry cream filled. Hopefully they are good!

I'm trying to remember this:
"Always remember that the future comes one day at a time." Dean Acheson

                                                                                      ~Is it the weekend yet?


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