Fulton Theater Presents

Becoming an aunt is completely out of one's control. When your sis-in-law decides to become a mother you are automatically an aunt. It just happens...and it changes your life! She didn't chose to be my niece...but she is because she was born into my family. How awesome! I never had an aunt to do things with. Oh I had plenty of aunts...but I guess fun things like musicals and cafes were non-existent. Nonetheless I enjoyed the day with my niece. Can't believe she is 12. sigh...Time is going so fast. Next step is those teen years...lol. 

...should not be taking this picture :)

Prince Street Cafe
...She wanted cheesecake. 

my delicious Irish latte

We sent this picture to her mother who is vacationing. She told her this is better than Hawaii.
*glad she thought so* (I.would.give.anything.to.be.warm.again.)
He made my day. Doesn't he just make you smile?

..and the fun of the city and parking garages.

It was a beautiful day...and time well spent!


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