these days

It was to be the snowstorm of the I was quite delighted it refrained itself and gave rain showers instead. My niece and I were going to celebrate her birthday by doing something fun...the place was closed apparently due to the threatening storm. Sigh...We opted for a relaxing time hanging out at McD's. The rest of the birthday fun shall wait till a next time!
so over fish bites, fries, and a burger we played a game, got asked to pray for someone's car in exchange for them praying for Lauren's broke foot...and had much giggling like little girls do.
We don't do so well with self portraits.
The glasses are hiding my weary eyes. I had gone far too long without sleep and hanging out with Lauren was yet another thing that took priority over sleep. When I got home I slept for 16 hours. Almost completely straight through...minus a little time in there for a phone call :)
Sleep deprivation is what makes me appreciate sleep....but I still vouch that the more I sleep the tireder I am. *yawn*
Ellie reading her Bible :)

These little boys are by our house to give their dear mother a break. I was trying to clean my dad's office all the while they were firing questions of "why". Why this and why that...and why is your phone making that noise and ever so scared of the growling bear in the closet. (thanks to their dear gpa that has them convinced for a long time) Oh the love of little people. 

*'s what keeps me going possibly? I think the lady in Dunkin' Donuts was a bit confused at this Mennonite girl sitting in there all by her lonesome in the wee morning hours. Oh was peaceful!


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