and then Sandy came


 it.closed.roads. #that was annoying#
what should take 3 min...took 20 min with all the detouring!
Monday we still had electric so I suggested having the family over. I was BORED of home and work was closed! The positive side of the storm...I slept and slept! simply.amazing.
While skyping in the evening..the electric went!

 Nick...cute as always and not saying much!

These...well they are double cousins. I've heard those actions come from the #other# side!

 School day #2 was cancelled.
I had no electric.
I had a dead cell phone.
I was with nothing to do.
I don't function well under these circumstances these days!
Maybe I don't function well either way? (it's anyone's guess)
more family time!
it was a hit!

even Myles

Mary Kate and Anna displaying their work of art

and.."baby Owen" so much anymore!

Sandy took with her many of the leaves...leaving this land looking rather barren. 
I guess the truth is..winter is coming! UGH!

..only one open road home...through the water! My car is used to it by now!

:missing the view:


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