Fireplace warmth

I'm still struggling to adjust here. These cold temperatures aren't helping matters. I mean seriously 32 degrees in Oct? Oh how long, how long?

this fire is roaring right near my bedroom. No more 70's in my bedroom from that little heater!

park time with family

Owen and Myles..yet another pix they wanted to take :)

He will smile every time!

Yeah pix don't is really that time of year! hmmm.....
to survive or not survive...winter will tell!
(..tell me to stop complaining..I know..but honestly I.HATE.IT.)
On other note...I am surviving the night job. It's a job for the time. I have a new appreciation for not liking donuts. I do not see weight gain as an issue. In fact quite the opposite!


  1. We have a heater too but I always prefer to light up the fireplace and stare at the fire as it slowly warms up the entire room. I just can’t resist the warmth that the traditional fireplace brings!

    -Cathy Newman

  2. I prefer the traditional fireplace too but our home’s limited space won’t allow us to have one. That’s why I’m very thankful that we have heater to warm up the entire house, but I really miss the warmth of a real fireplace.

    Angelina Garcia


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