Welcome Saturday!

The week looked long. Big house.Empty house.Two trees. Many leaves. I promised I would take care of the looming mounds of leaves that blanketed the front lawn. Like usual I procrastinated. When decided to do it..the yard was wet and I was warned repeatedly that IF I mow...not to clog the bagger and burn something...thus the wetness would only enhance such possibilities.

Little did I know that this front yard would take me over two hours to mow..NO LIE! 
It has three bags. I had to empty every round..if I made it that far!

the beautiful array of leaves after unclogging it for the millionth time. It clogged but I unclogged it before damage was done.

I've learned:
I wouldn't survive living alone
I forgot what it is like to have to do my own laundry
I don't want a big house
I am working more than I am not. I maybe should sleep in my car. On average this week I was home and awake maybe 4 hours a day if that! 

The yard still isn't finished. I didn't sleep last night. My wash needs hung up. Welcome SATURDAY!!! Sleep will come when it's ready...time to head out the door and do some visiting first before work time! :)

Only those who will risk going to far, can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S. Elliot
Take the risk...it's a daily struggle of mine but forever slowly God is pushing me along!


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