hi-ho-hi-ho...off to work I go

Life is changing. I am excited to be working but the hours are going to be a stretch.
Tell me I don't like to sleep-I know that. That is why I am working nights but that doesn't mean I don't like to do other things in the night :) There is a season for everything and all will be well........  or so I tell myself. Nights of babysitting may be fewer but I squeezed one more in. I love my nieces and nephews!..they love my camera. lol!

Myles and Owen...Owen must copy everything Myles does. It is mandatory I believe!

MaryKate and Anna...still in uniform.
two things I learned from them:
* I am taking loooong to get married so Myles could be a daddy before me (ok not that I will be a daddy...but you get the picture)
* After I am married (I guess there may be hope after all) I should wait a year at least to have kids
They really teach them young these days! lol.

He is quite the big ham

I laugh every time..

never to be outdone

newspaper EVERYWHERE!

It all ended with a game of Candyland before off to dreamland!
..and now...it's off to work land for me...after the cup of coffee finish!


  1. So let's see. Late night job... you must be packing potato chips? or perhaps working at a rest home? I have no idea.

  2. lol...none of the above..I am working at a bakery!


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