Making Disciples of ALL nations

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matt. 28:19-20
This morning we had a baptism. It was a time of reflecting back on my own life and just recommitting myself to all that it requires of me. Committing to serve God the rest of my life. What does that really mean? Am I willing to count the cost for Christ no matter what it costs or where it takes me? No matter how many years it has been since baptism the decision is still the same. I want to follow God with all I have, completely surrendered to him.

Pastor John and Miss Rachel sharing out the pot of pilau. It was amazing!

Thaddeus enjoying the food after his baptism

The photographers for quite a few of these pictures!

Yeah if you get us going we don't stop! I am going to miss her so much.

Cordell, Keondre, Joshim and Andell

This girl Nye is a fighter. She just returned from the states after battling cancer in her leg. Now walking with a prosthetic leg she still has a smile on her face. A challenge to make the most of each circumstance. The next picture you can see her leg!

Yeah these are pretty much some of the cutest brothers...Joshim and Jatan

And then the weekend ended with Games Night at church. 

 Bethany and Tyler battling it out in Battleship

..and then there was socializing...

for some reason we have a thing with wearing the same color without trying it. Thus was the case again tonight!

small men playing some basketball after our games of Bidem


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