Nothing takes you (God) by surprise

We all face things in life. It is life. I feel sometimes I am being stretched to something unattainable but then today I was reminded that God is never ever going to give me more than I can handle. Why does He trust me so much? I mean really? Is this really what I can handle? God you know best.... this morning as I was journaling I wrote this line "nothing takes you by surprise" and it reminded me of the song. So today this was the song I listened to over and over again. God you do know what is best. I never want to question you!

I spent my breaks inside for various reasons today. Not the most gentle, sort of bully kind of fourth grader, came up to me on my lunch break and was like, "Miss....when was the last time I gave you a hug?" With that he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a big hug. He said...."I like that smile on your face!" Yes I did love it and coming from a child that normally doesn't study me much it was so sweet.


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