Blobs of Paint

If I do nothing I will become nothing but senile. There is no "pink house" to threaten me with as in Grenada. Thus to appease my ever thinking mind I got out the paint things. Not feeling to do anything of great detail I set out with palette knives and mere blobs of paint in the beaming sunshine.

I look like someone died...hmm maybe something did? life?

this humming bird seemed to like the paints and was constantly buzzing around my head.

I'm not thrilled with the outcome but..until I decide what to do to help it out it will stay looking so.

I spent a much needed 4 hours with this wonderful "sister". A lump forms in my throat as I type. Mel I will miss you. It's crazy how close we have become. Distance cannot and will not separate that common bond. Have a great school year.

old yard sale music sheets..a pinteresty idea..and as I look at my picture just now I see my little Digicel phone sim card laying beside the jars. How sentimental.

A devotional I received from Max Lucado that seemed fitting for the time!
God is Enough

Let’s face it–anxiety or worry have no advantages!  They ruin our health, rob us of joy, and change nothing!  Our day stands no chance against the terrorists of the Land of Anxiety.

But Christ offers a worry-bazooka.  Remember how He taught us to pray?  “Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11”  This simple sentence unveils God’s provision plan:  live one day at a time.

Worry gives small problems big shadows.  Corrie ten Boom said, “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its strength.”   And Romans 8:28 affirms: “Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Most anxiety stems, not from what we need, but from what we want.  Philippians 4:4 says, “delight yourselves in the Lord, yes, find your joy in Him at all times!”

If God is enough, you’ll always have enough!


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