ThIs & ThAt

Summer days are the best. I hate to think of the seasons that follow. Can we all continue to enjoy the warmth of water and the coldness of ice cream for like a very long time yet? Please!


 Along with summer comes delicious fruit. Not only for eating but canning as well. Since this certain individual isn't working she is busy helping out where she can. Hey I should probably learn sometime I guess!

This sister has returned...and home to many gifts and much cleaning up to do to a house that was ransacked. As the saying goes..."What goes around comes around." Come around it did...and they made more than the most of it!

his and her family

Kris lived the life of a dumpster diver...thus the gift of used "dumpster items"

Owen and Mary Kate sporting their fashion

the rice and plastic pebbles that were throughout EVERYTHING!
..that's all for this time. Much more exciting things have happened since but...too much for one blog. 


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