The chicken, egg and I

Should have been a farm girl!...Oh wait..tis my life these days. Eggs, chicks..and CHICKENS
Chickens are dumb. They are good for meat and eggs. Otherwise DUMB!

It starts with this... Some like em big..some like em small

I sort them...and sort them..they come in all colors, shapes, weights and sizes!

..then into this barn I go ....

to gather the ones that have the audacity to lay their eggs wherever they please.

Waving my arms I plow through those chickens looking for stray eggs. SQUAWKING, CROWING and making a whole set of noise they come at my heels hoping to get a peck...just assailing they may go! Never fear they get revenge on me by hitting the water feeder into me and shocking my skin to frizzles (ok not really but I hate being shocked). It all evens out!
Job #2

Those eggs somehow hatch into these cute lil fluff balls. Too bad they can't stay cute!

..they get vaccinated by my mother and I. The chicks take vengeance when they are small as well and move that lil neck and guess who gets vaccinated!! Yeah EVERY finger is bleeding like crazy!

I arise early to help mail them away in these many boxes that are stacked a mile high. yeah I do my best to unstack them without a big collapse.

They sex them...males in yellow crates, females in white

Lisa is amazing and feeds us well for those early morning hours!
All in a days work. Its fun!


  1. You're going to get tired of me on your blog. But these pictures were fun to see. That huge egg up there looks like it's about to burst.

  2. Yeah I feel sorry for those chickens in the largeness of eggs I see! It's gotta be painful :)


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