Corn Festival

Did you say WHAT?? NOOOOOOOOOO.... I did not get a job yet, NO I do not know what I wanna do (other than return to Grenada), NO I am not dating, NO I am not adjusted..... for the record...(these questions my dear friends are better not asked..)
Do they make year long sleeping pills? YESSSSSSSS I am seriously considering hibernation for a year as much as I hate sleeping. Someone told me Americans ask too much ah questions. I agree. Take me to Grenada.

Yesterday was show time at a Corn Festival in Shippensburg. Friday night we set up and then spent the night in a motel surrounded by Corvette cars that were in the area for a show as well.

Motels are not so much fun alone I am learning. Oh well more sleep that way I guess. The show was fun and it was awesome to see a friend there that I haven't seen for a very long time. Only Saturday morning did it sink in that she lives close so thanks to the facebook world we actually saw each other..The morning was busy but the afternoon slowed down drastically. In my craving for iced coffee I walked...and walked...and walked some more till I found the destination of so many other people's cravings as well. Not having enough hands I drank mine in seconds and tortured myself walking Nate and Jo's back. *it was amazing*

All ready for the day

Happy birthday...A returned customer from a previous show remembered this one was on her birthday..thus the delicious cake. It made up for our dry crusted desserts we ordered the night before! Looking good Jo for such a "young" age. Ok..I will be there soon myself!

many many vendors


  1. You take nice pictures. Mostly.
    We had a blast hanging out with you.
    Had a sliver of that cake for supper.


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