Do Not Enter

I wanted to just think. I drove. The sun blinded by my eyes but I thought I saw a "Do Not Enter" sign...TOO LATE! I saw a vehicle ahead but it was just a back road and big enough for two if it was the case of one way. A man walking did some circle things with his hand. I played dunce..after all there was no where to turn around. I had driven here before and it was fine... Oh wait that was in the dark and I DID NOT KNOW I WAS DRIVING WRONG! I knew where I was going when it was dark and I knew where it would take me wrong way or not. Well dead end appeared one road and lots of cars the next one way. sigh. FAIL. I turned around and went back going the right way. Unfortunately the man was still walking. Arms thrown up in the air in disgust at me he watched my plate..hmm. Oh happens.
As true as all this is in my little has been my life the past little bit. Going the wrong way and don't care. Dead ends and road blocks do turn you around. They are there for a reason!..Just as that man with his hands in the air...I'm sure that was God wanting to do the same. Thankfully I am turned around!

 It was a peaceful night!

My shadow and I..just us alone!

sometimes I just need to take time...why do I take so long?

...God's beauty surrounded me...

 ..a beautiful sunset

and the brightness of the moon as I walked to my car!

Romans 5 : Sufferings produce perseverance, perseverance- character, character- HOPE!..and Hope does not disappoint us!


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