of police and goodbyes

It was the night before some people departed the states to the wonderful Isle of Spice. Who wouldn't stay out late? Well...I would..and I did. The regrets came in the morning with only 2 hours of sleep and off to work at an unearthly hour. I work when I can...even if it is only a few hours. I felt like I had to keep redoing things...my brain was malfunctioning. Coffee was needed but I didn't want to be the reason for potty breaks on the way to the airport...thus I refrained. I left work in my own little world oblivious to a police officer sitting nearby. I believe he was sleeping as well..much to my benefit. With suitcases packed on that Ford truck we began to "RUN IT"...traffic moves well most days. I try to keep with traffic. They can usually break radar for you. The SUV lost me when it got to about 25 over the speed limit. It was a good thing! There was enough of a gap between us that officer had his nose out in traffic as I tried to quickly change lanes. Sorry for them. BUSTED!! We reached our destination-JFK-safely. 

I say this all the time. I HATE GOODBYES. Is there really no possible way for them to get easier?This had to be the worst. That was to be me heaving and shoving suitcases in the airport and through customs. What am I doing here still? I want to be back in Grenada...but there I was back in that Ford truck attempting my skills at getting out of NY. *ALONE*...I wanted it that way. Thinking is good and that is what I had to do BUT it wasn't fun. Face the facts of life .... it is what it is..
but it makes nothing.absolutely.nothing.easier.

As I traveled in my own little world once again an officer pulled in front of me. He put his flashers on. That was the last warning I needed for the day to make me slow down. I think that is what he was trying to make me do. It is time to catch up on the lack of sleep. I may be a driving hazard it is appearing.
 6 weeks has gone real speed. I am hoping it is an even faster 6 months.


  1. That is a good picture. Although it is tough to see scooby. You were on my mind yesterday. I breathed a prayer for you... Glad you made it back safe.

  2. angie, thanks for posting ---I enjoy your blog! We'll miss you, too. I hope the adjustment will be better eventually.


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