Here's so long and here's goodbye

Today they leave. Going to that place I love. The thought of it brings tears to my eyes. There is no other place I would want them to go though IF they MUST go...sigh. I'm glad for the little bit of time I got to spend with them since I am back. Kendall and Ginger...blessings to you as you go to LaBorie. I'm excited for you and what you can do in that awesome part of Grenada. 

If I wouldn't have had to work to win them over so badly I don't think it would be so painful to see them go. Oh well the kisses and hugs they had readily available for "GG" I will hold onto! Becky and Joshy...don't forget me please!

yeah..quite the babysitter I am! Entertainment is hard to come by when it is dark outside and every toy and game is packed away!

Rebecca..quite the little charmer!

he will always be my Davey Baby...and I will always be his "my Angie"

Micah....he wanted me to talk Grenadian...I did and this is the expression I got. "huh?"..."what did you say?"

The twins and I

crazy kids
..and they are off to Grenada and all the beauty therein...

..beautiful beaches..

Yes I miss you already. Tears come as I type this blog. I cannot wait to come visit this winter.
Until then pictures will have to do. Touch those lives and enjoy every moment you have.


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