Fair for who?

I love to observe people. I do it too much. I was at the wrong place for that. Seriously..hmmm
people need to wake up and get serious with life. This half way thing..I see why God say you are either hot or cold. There's no middle ground and by appearance of things there are many exactly there. Ok returned foreign lands person..hush your mouth. 
Why does she wear that ring? A necklace adorns his neck. Her hair is cut short but she is garbed in conservative clothes. He asks if I'm amish...is it any wonder the confusion this world has. To be honest I was quite confused with many things I see tonight. It challenged me to REAL live my life. I am representing someone...is it who I know it must be?
 We get along quite well...oh the questions she asks me. I won't start!
Lauren insisted she wanted to do it. After about 10x of me trying to reconsider we got ourselves caged in. around and around and spin and spin...up and down all around we went. Her final words on the matter were "You couldn't pay me a million dollars to do that again" lol

Batter dipped oreos..they are a must! 

* my 22 hour sleep deprivation is banging my head on the desk. I will take it*


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