Forgive my Unbelief

Should I cuss or should I cry?
Neither one first thoughts were "God...what next?"
Rain was falling {}
I was on a road I didn't know well. 
That called for not as high rates of speed as could possibly happen other times.
Rainy back roads at night call for wild animals. Tis the time of year for mmhhmm
that is right .... DEER! 
Archery opens on Saturday..Car killing opened tonight?!
...someone failed to give me the memo.
 #*@ CRASH*%^&.. THUD
I turned around to watch it hide its drooping head and slinging tongue.
I backed up again to see it as it drug its damaged body deeper in the darkness.
My headlights still worked at least.
Fear kept me in my car.
I couldn't see damage from my seat and that appeased me.
 My prayer on the way home was rather selfish. 
"GODDDDDDDD somehow you know..umm yeah help it not to be real bad."
As my garage door went up mom and dad met me.
No damage was found.
..that little voice inside know the one I think isn't real sometimes. It spoke so loud and clear...."see I still do care about you."
Lord forgive my unbelief. Sometimes my head is just too hard.

Who says quilting is for old people? Well actually it is. I have hit that age.
Ok so I didn't spend a whole lot of time quilting but I did put a few rows in! 
It's a start.


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