from this

"Summer has come and passed...wake me up when September ends."
(a song of my high school by gone days)

It cannot be this time of year...I'm sure I am seeing snow piled upon the holly as well. sigh 
{what am I doing here?}

...not holly alone ya know...there is pine cones as well...surely this must be the end!
my dear sad self...reality slap in face- SUMMER IS GONE!

Did I completely miss fall?
ok or not...I just put some pinteresty ideas together for my mother's fall home decor!

 I went for coffee with a friend. We've been out of school <gasp> eight years. My deep dark secrets of my high school days come back to haunt me [and they sadly are many] when I hang out with this one. You see, in my class, we had this club. I was the strongest...well not really in physical strength (well maybe that too lol) but the strongest member in the single hood club. Nothing has changed...well other than maybe I am not the strongest. So over 3 hours we discussed the ups and downs of life..twas a lovely thing to do while sipping my pumpkin spice latte.
I don't make a habit of taking pix in the bathroom but the above photo is this cool strobe light they had shooting myriads of green dots all over you! There's a first pix for everything! #no.shame#

I really would like my summer back. Oh well it's the sad fact of life..time goes on.
The gerber daisies are still growing so until substance from above kills them I will enjoy their beauty.

the simple tastes that bring me great pleasure. Not bad for being juiced away in a box. I will take it please, thank you!


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