Remember when....

Remember when.....
I had 5 boys: Lemar, Shenton, Alex, Kevon and Terry
the first day they told me wrong names to confuse me
they were probably my worst class but the ones I miss the most
I thought I would never be done disciplining and keeping some after school
one of them called me "mom" more than "miss"
they gave me little lovey notes often for a class of boys
...little did I know this was only the beginning of three wonderful years in Grenada

Year #1
Grades 3 & 4
Lemar entered secondary school this year..he's no longer that little 4th grader
Alex,Terry and Kevon are still in LaBorie
Shenton left after my year of teaching him to finally have his dream come with his mother. He talked about her more than he didn't. I would love to see him again!
Jen Eshleman and Jodi Yoder...the girls I lived with my first year!

Year # 2
Grade 4 & 2
Kevon, Terry, Celina and Nigel
our class grew to five students halfway through the year. It was nice to have another girl, Hannah, join us!

Jodi, Melody, and myself. It was an amazing year with Melody and a sad year to see Jo go after two years of what seemed like the "normal."

Year #3
Grade 2 & 3
Hannah, Keona, Celina, Abijah, Nigel, and Maleah
The picture describes the year. was a great year. From 5 boys my first year to 5 girls my last year I feel like all the ground to be covered could be covered. This class showed me more love than I could give in return. I waited a long time to tell them I am going back...too long I am afraid. With maybe a month of school remaining I did it. From the looks of faces and the emotions that followed you would have thought death had come upon me! I will never do that again!
I think chapel was my favorite time with them. They could sing like you wouldn't believe and would have loved if I read them a Bible story every day. We would still be praying if it was their other class did I have to say (in the middle of their prayer)'s time to finish.
I will always treasure their sincerity.

Myself, Melody and Bethany. It was a great two years with Mel and exciting to have my "little"
neighbor girl join us. We had a super year and memories will last a lifetime.  

The pictures of the girls I lived with were all taken at the beginning of those years. I think we have all changed our looks a lot since then. They say the more years the older you look...personally I think we look younger. lol. 
And the teachers my final year. They gave me these awesome flowers.

Grenada is still on my heart a lot these days with school back in full swing. I think about the students I would have had, the ones I had, and the kids all about the hood. They say "you never know what you got till it's gone"...I can understand now. Those many days where you wanted to shut the door and not hear those little kids bawling your name, begging for a balloon or sweetie, or pelting things through the doorway are all kind of missed now! 
Oh I hear my name being bawled...but only to awaken me. I hear begging but only from nieces and nephews on occasion, and the only thing that is pelting through my doorway is heaps of wash making a landing on my bed to be put away! 


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